EN. William and Kate were holding hands.
IT. William e Kate si tenevano per mano.
EN. Kate received flowers from a little girl after church.
IT. Kate dopo la messa ha ricevuto dei fiori da una bambina.
EN. When Maddison Neal, aged eight from nearby Dersingham, gave Kate a
Milky Bar selection box for George, she replied: “I’m sorry we didn’t
bring George but you would have heard him in the church.” Maddison’s
mother Sarah, 37, said: “We were hoping Kate would take the present but
we didn’t know if we’d be lucky enough to meet her. “Maddison met George
on Sunday at the service at Anmer church. She helped him with his
lantern and he blew her a kiss."
William told well-wishers it was a bit cold for George but they had
left him in his nursery and were looking forward to seeing what
“destruction” he had created when they got home
IT. Quando Maddison Neal, di otto anni e vicina a Dersingham, ha dato a Kate una scatola di barrette di cioccolata bianca per Geoge, lei ha risposto: "Mi dispiace, non abbiamo portato George. Lo avresti sentito anche in chiesa!".
La mamma di Maddison, Sarah, ha detto: " Speravamo di poter dare a Kate il regalo ma non sapevamo se saremmo state abbastanza fortunate da incontarla. "Maddison ha incontrato Georfe domenica alla messa nella chiesa di Anmer. Lo ha aiutato con la sua lanterna e lui le ha mandato un bacino".
William ha detto alle persone che gli facevano gli auguri che era troppo freddo per George ma che lo hanno lasciato nella sua nursery e che non vedevano l'ora di vedere al loro rientro quale "distruzione" avesse compiuto.
William told well-wishers it was a bit cold for George but they had
left him in his nursery and were looking forward to seeing what
“destruction” he had created when they got home
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